"The Role of Lighting and Compositing in CG Animation Explained"
CG animation has become a cornerstone of modern storytelling, blending technology and artistry to produce captivating visuals across films, games, and advertisements. At its core, this process relies on the interplay of essential components like lighting and compositing to create realistic scenes and evoke emotional responses. Lighting breathes life into virtual worlds, shaping depth and mood, while compositing brings all the visual elements together into a seamless final product. Over time, the industry has faced challenges in maintaining consistency and efficiency, yet these hurdles have driven innovation. Emerging trends like real-time rendering and AI-driven tools are transforming workflows, fostering creativity, and redefining the boundaries of what's achievable. Together, these advancements continue to push CG animation into new realms, captivating audiences with ever-more immersive experiences. 1. Understanding CG Animation and Its Core Components CG animation, short ...